Bromham Road
Bedford BoroughClient
RMR WingfieldScheme outline
1,300 homes and associated infrastructureProject information
DownloadCapability statement
DownloadActing for the landowner of approximately 50% of the allocated urban extension to the west of Bedford and in partnership with the adjacent land promoter, CODE advised on and progressed a successful application for 1,300 homes, local centre, primary school and associated works.
Delicate negotiation was required to satisfy the landowner’s interest in assisting the Borough Council to deliver the Bedford Western Bypass, allowing early delivery of the adjacent land but with a longer delivery timeframe for later phases.
CODE also led the landowner’s defence against the service of compulsory purchase orders.
CODE is retained to negotiate a series of amendments to the outline planning permission to permit the phased sale of the site to house builders and an increase in total numbers of homes.