Norwich Research Park
South Norfolk DistrictClient
Bullen Developments LtdScheme outline
100,000sqm R&D, health, academic and ancillary usesCapability statement
DownloadFollowing the relocation of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital in Autumn 2001, also led by director Michael Carpenter’s former consultancy, Carpenter Planning Consultants, the application site was identified as a possible focus for the growth of Norwich’s R&D sector. Acting for developers, Bullen Developments Ltd and in partnership with adjacent medical, academic and research institutes, CODE project managed and led the negotiation of a successful grant of outline planning permission in just nine months from appointment.
Since the grant of planning permission further reserved matters consents have been granted. The success and speed of the application process was aided considerably by the approach taken by CODE to genuinely consult with all interested parties likely to be affected by the proposal and the attention to detail in preparing the necessary Design and Access Statement, Planning Statement, Statement of Community Involvement and other relevant application documents.
CODE is retained by the site developer to advise and obtain reserved matters consents for all new buildings and uses on the site and to promote additional adjacent land through the review to the local plan.