Brightwell Lakes
East Suffolk DistrictClient
Carlyle Land and CEG Land Promotions LimitedScheme outline
2,000 homes, employment, local shopping centre, all through primary and secondary school and public open spaceProject information
DownloadCapability statement
DownloadFollowing extensive legal challenges from local resident groups to the original allocation of the site, CODE was appointed to lead the Promoter’s team in preparing, submitting and negotiating an application for outline planning permission.
Site promotion required the preparation of substantial support evidence in relation to highways, landscape, ecology, viability, environmental impact and the provision of Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace (SANGs).
The site is located directly adjacent to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and within 1 km of a Ramsar site and Special Protection Area (SPA). Extensive public engagement informed the master planning of the site and the success of partnership working was recognised by the winning in 2019 of the award for Planning Excellence.
Submission of the application was achieved within five months of the team’s instruction and the approval, with a signed S 106 Agreement, was issued after only 12 months from the application’s submission.